Name of Structure: Deliah’s Cabin

Original Location: Gregory’s Run Road – Harrison County

Donated By: Gene Rogers

Cooking Fireplace Built By: George Pinkham and other Fort students

Restoration Sponsor: AmeriCorps – Energy Express

This remnant building is an Irish style with the door and window side by side. The cabin was rehabilitated in 2006.

It was decided to call this Deliah’s Cabin after some research disclosed that the McIntyres, whose name was added to the Needlework Shop, had been attended by a black slave, “Dillia.” The McIntyres lived in Harrison County and were well-to-do. In the wills of Andrew and Pamelia (his wife), there was a listing of a slave girl by the name of “Dellia,” hence Deliah’s Cabin. She would have resided apart from the main home as the present placement depicts. When Andrew left “Dillia” to Pamelia her worth was two hundred seventy-five dollars. “Dillia” was sold to Zaddock McIntyre after Pamelia’s death and her worth had increased to four hundred dollars. What happened to “Dillia” after that has not been determined.

These persons had truly existed as research indicates but did not at any time actually inhabit the Needlework Shop (Andrew McIntyre Home) or Deliah’s Cabin.

The content of this page was developed by information provided to and written by David Huffman, 2023 Intern Fairmont State University.